6 MARCH 1971, Page 24

Jolly Juliette

Sir: I had the pleasure of meeting your talented young racing corres- pondent in the bar at Kempton on Saturday last and found the experi- ence both delightful and, at the same time, humiliating.

Before the third race she ad- mitted to me in all honesty that she went racing for the gin and knew next, to nothing about the horses! Slightly shaken at this, I asked her what she had picked out for the next race and the reason why. Juliette replied that she had been to an old time music hall on Monday night and thought it was a good omen for Melody Rock! This clouded my better judgment and I backed the favourite, Boxer, which

I had heard from thy more in- formed sources was 'ready'.

As it turned out, my so-called informed sources were wrong and to my amazement Juliette right, Melody Rock winning at 11-8. Humiliated, I returned to the bar to find your tipstress amongst a horde of young men with the champagne flowing and smiles all over her pretty face. Having offered me the comfort of a drink, she asked whether I would be in- terested in dining at The Fisher- man's Wharf' next week, which I take to mean that L'Escargot will win the Cheltenham Gold Cup.

Brian Perry 82 Dryden Court, Renfrew Road, London sell