Sir: I Have Enjoyed Reading The Spectator For Over Ten
years, until a fortnight ago, when I was ap- palled by your leading article on the Common Market. For a publication of your stan- dard to state that 'its position is......
Sir: Sir Winston Churchill Is Reported As Having Once Said
that While all politics was about power, Power politics was about the misuse of power. Sir Harry Legge-Bourke (23 January) asserts that politics is essentially concerned With......
Market Facts
Sir: One cannot help wondering how much your unequivocal oppo- sition to British entry into the EEC owes to misconception and mis- understanding. Your article 'The Common......
Sir: Some Of The Splendid Rhetoric Produced By The...
editorial volte-face over Europe has spread to your correspondence columns, as witness Mr G. J. A. Stern's letter (27 February). But does he not rather overdo the wog bashing in......
Greece Today
Sir: The outlook of the 'new' SPECTATOR is commendable both for its realism and for the artic- ulate way in which this is usually presented. Clearly we owe more to Peterhouse......
Monday's Child
Sir: With reference to Mr Seton- Watson's letter (20 February) re- garding the Dutschke protest meet- ing at Oxford, I feel l obliged to make clear one or two of his......