Monday's child
Sir: With reference to Mr Seton- Watson's letter (20 February) re- garding the Dutschke protest meet- ing at Oxford, I feell obliged to make clear one or two of his inaccuracies.
He described me as 'a young gentleman as eloquent as he was handsome' and then goes on to repeat the well-worn innuendo that I am a representative of the Nat- ional Front. It is strange that a don in such a modern, relevant subject as PPE should not have realised that eloquent, handsome young gentlemen (and indeed young ladies) are today only to be found in the Monday Club.
It is. however, appropriate for Mr Seton-Watson to be disturbed by my remarks, for they represent the views of a growing section of Oxford undergraduates. There is a new and healthy right-wing force in Oxford, which is ready to fight the left with its own weapons. This became clear last term when, at the Oxford mass rally against Barclays Bank and South Africa, the right came out and took over the platform. The Oxford left is slowly realising that instead of battling against dons, most of whom are in any case liberals of one shade or another, they must face real opposition from mobil- ised and intransigently right-wing undergraduates.
Tim Beardson Chairman, Wessex Monday Club, Christ Church, Oxford