Sir: Some of the splendid rhetoric produced by the SPECTATOR'S
editorial volte-face over Europe has spread to your correspondence columns, as witness Mr G. J. A. Stern's letter (27 February). But does he not rather overdo the wog bashing in his reference to 'the
Eurasian melting-pot known as the Common Market'? What is par- ticularly Asiatic about the Six—or for that matter the other applicant countries, Norway, Denmark and Ireland? (It may indeed be the case that Britain itself is becoming a bit Asiatic, but that is another story . . . ) Anyhow, cannot Mr Stern see that a United European power, 250 million strong, is likely to com- mand considerably enhanced re- spect abroad, whether in the Arab World or elsewhere, that should diminish the probability of its citi- zens suffering the indignities which he rightly deplores in the example of the British women in Libya?
Martin Carmichael 4 Queen Anne's Grove, Chiswick, London w4