The Brighton Railway Committee decided, on Wednesday, in favour of
Sir John Rennie's line from London to Brighton.
Three more of the missing whalers—the Dee, the Grenville Bay, aud the Norfolk—have arrived at Stromness. The Dee has lost 37 out of .50 of her crew ; the Grenville Bay, 10 out of 50; tile Norfolk, 7 out of .50. Of the other missing ships, the Swan and the Advice, these vessels bring no intelligence.
Six English fishing-bouts have been seized, off Granville, for tres- passing on the French waters.
M. Laffitte, the liberal banker of Paris, having wound up his affairs, is about to resume business,—Siècle.
The accounts received in Paris from the departments show that dis- tress was extending itself. In the wine districts the misery of the inhabitants was extreme. The wretched quality of the last vintage precluded the sale at any price of the wine of that (the last) year, and the continued inclemency of the present season had.deatroyed the fodder for the cattle, and so completed their ruin.