Jr It T Oa N Ult.
By the death of Lord Lyttleton, which occurred on Monday, the Lord-Lieutenancy of the county of Worcester becomes vacant. The new Lord will not be of age till next March. It is......
In Various Parts Of Ireland, The Liberals Are Exerting...
to make a formidable demonstration in favour of Ministers. There is to be an immense meeting in Dublin, the Earl of Cbarlemout in the chair, to address the King. The Presbytery......
At A Numerous Meeting Of The Inhabitants Of Liverpool, On
Tues. day, resolutions in favour of the Government plan for abolishing Church-rates were adopted. At the commencement of the meeting, a good deal of interruption was caused by......
The Members Of The Literary Fund Society Had Their...
dinner on Wednesday ; the Duke of Somerset in the chair. Among the company, were Lord Stanley. Sir John Elley, Sir R. Bateson, Dr. Roget, Mr. Jerdan, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Macrone,......
The Meeting Of Mr. Leader's Friends On Thursday Evening...
at the Briti,lt Coffeehouse in Cockspur Street ; but so numerous an assem. hlage of the electors presented themselves, th a t H f u o r u vy id found n p e r e e e s ssa e z to......
Cbe Countrp.
The requisition of the Liverpool Reformers to Mr. Howard Elphin- stone bad received 1,500 signatures in the beginning of the week. All the leading Liberals appear to have united......
Greenacre Was Hanged On Tuesday Morning. He Tottered On To
the scaffold; gave the rope which was put round his neck a pull to make it tighter; and in about two minutes after his appearance, was dead. The crowd below, which had been in......