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The requisition of the Liverpool Reformers to Mr. Howard Elphin- stone bad received 1,500 signatures in the beginning of the week. All the leading Liberals appear to have united to secure Mr. Elphiustone's return with Mr. Ewart. His relationship to Mr. Warburton, and a strong letter in his favour from Mr. Grote, appear to have been of much service to Mr. Elphinstone. Mr. Grote said truly, that a more independent and vigilant Representative is not to be found in the House of Commons. If the Liverpool constituency get Mr. Elphinstone in exchange for Lord Sandon, who has shuffled out of all his former professions of Liberalism, they will deserve the thanks of the Re- formers throughout the country. Mr. Brinsley Sheridan is a candidate to succeed Mr. Leader at Bridgewater. Air. Sheridan comes out as a Whig.
The Huddersfield election is to take place this day. Mr. Ellice is supported by Sir John Ramsden, the Whigs, and a considerable portion of the Radicals; the principles he professes being Radical, and the same as he put forth in the Cupar Burghs. The Tories, some of the extreme Radicals, and the non-electors, have got Mr. Richard Oastler, of Fixby Hall, for their candidate. This Mr. Oastler appears to be a violent, conceited, ignorant person ; and we hope that the next Hud- dersfield mail will bring the account of his defeat. His chief reliance set-Ins to be on the foulest misrepresentation of the Poor-law.
Mr. Wynn Ellis having declined to stand for Leicester, Mr. East. hope, undaunted by defeat, has coalesced with Mr. Duckworth, and will receive the support of the Leicester Reformers.
Mr. G. R. Phillips gives up Kidderminster to Mr. Godson, and expects to be returned for Poole at the next election.
We have heard it rumoured that Mr. Marjoribanks will resign his seat for Hythe, and we understand the Honourable Captain Elliot, R. N., brother of Lord Minto, the First Lord of the Admiralty. went with Mr. Twisden Hodges, to canvass the borough.—Kentish Observer.
Sir Richard Simeon, on account of ill health, is about to retire from the representation of the Isle of Wight. Captain Pelham, son of Lord Yarborough, is expected to come forward on the Liberal, and Mr. William A'Court Holmes on the Tory interest.
Mr. Charles Greenaway, of Barrington Grove, has been invited to become a candidate for the representation of Leominster. An active canvas has already been commenced on his behalf.