On the ail inst., at llolmwood, Becks, the Countess of ANaat al, of a datighter. On the 28th ult., at Earl's C room Court, Worcest ersl tire, the lion, Mrs. W, Coy. ENTRV, or it son.
On the 1st inst., at the house of her father, T. F. Buxton, Esq., Ml',, Devonshire
Street, the Lady of A Niel sw lint a`TON, E:.11., Si. P., of a dmiehter. On the 3011 nit., at h5hs th Hall, Worn ick, the Lady Of WILLIAM STRATFORD Duo. nate, Esq.. M.P., of a son. On the 22.1 ult.. at 1"r.tukfitt on.the Maine, the Lally of HENRY G. KUPER, Esq., Attache to his Britannic Molest v's Legation, of a son. On the 1st inst.,- in Molitagft Place, Montagu Stone, Die Ludy of SAMUEL Stew SIM Edt., of a son. On the 27th ult., at Witley Court, Devonshire, the Lady of Captain T. It. BAK FR, of
the Royal Fusileers, ot a daughter.
At Leamington, Warwieshire, the Lady Of NATHANIEL WEFREs, ESq., late Captain
in the 9111 Lancers, nf a daughter. At Came Douse, Dorsetshire, the Lady of II. C. StNar.Frow, Esq., of Arlare, county Meath, of Ft son anti heir. Ou the 25th ult., at West Hill, Wandsworth, 7tfrs, EDwann DixoN, of a son.
On the 14th of January, at St. George's Cathedral, Madras, Captain THOMAS
Bowes FOSTER, Paymaster'of the Presidency of Madras, to SARAH, eldest (Laughter of
Sir Peregrine Maitfand.
On the 2(1 inst., at Battersea Church, the Rev. JOITYS R. 01.1)11A71, iticumbent of St. Paul's Church, Huddersfield, eldest son of A. Oldham. Esq.. of Tooting, to Esters, second daughter of Robert Saunders, Esq., of Clapham Common. On the 28th ult., at Clapham, PRARCE R. Neserrt.14.D., of Honiton. Devon, to ARABELLA, second daughter ..f the late Dr Robert Smith, of Maidstone, Kent. OR the 18th ult., at St. James's Chinch, Dover, the Rev. FRFINERICK DX come, Rector of East Langdon, Kent, to LotItgA JANX, eldest (laughter of Riehasd Mee Raikes, Esq. On the 29t1u ult., at the Old Chiftch, Jersey, Captain fIrsrev Geterrre, of the Madras Army, to FRANCES, eldest daughter of the late James !Underpin, Esq., of his Majesty's Ilth Dragoons.
On the 30th tilt., at If cloy Hull, Load Lyrtscree. On the 24tIt ult., at Clifton, Nottingham, Sir ROMHIT CLIFFORD, in his 71st year. On the Nth ult., at her house, He-jot Row, Edinburgh, the Right Hon. Lady ANN STUART, youngest daughter ante late and sister to the present rail of Moray, K.T. On tile *5th mi., in sidisbury streot. strand. Lieut -Col. ROBERT CANTRELL, of the Dom East India Company's 22! Regiment Bombay Native Infantry, in his 53d year.
On the 2.3.1 tilt.. at Bath, suddenly, Joust M'istrosti, Esq , of Holme, in the county of Inverness, N.B., in his 534 year.
On the 13th of Dec.. 1836. in Camp, at Nowgana Goceasoor, Lient. Joint BRYGGS 111AVINAN. of the Ott Regiment Native Infantry, eldest 5011 of Copt. John Hayman, Trinity !louse, in bis 95th year. (it. 304111dt., in his 72,1 year, the Rev. J. L. Causer.. M.A., one of his Majesty's Chaplains, and Minister of the Fretudi Protestant Conformist Church, London. On the 211 inst., Dr..10!TIS ALEXANDER Furcirre, of Lindsay Place, Chelsea, in his 39th year. On the 26th ult,, at Ross, IlerefortUassas CAULFIELD, Esq..a Captain lathe Royal Navy, in his 71si year.
On the 27th tilt:, at Combe Hay, near Roth, Mrs. A. P. SMITH, mother of the late W. P. Brigatock, Esq.. M.1'., iii her 84th year.
Gil the 2401 tilt.. it his lions.. at lialratt. l'ilOMAS PA Hires. Fsq., in his 86th year. At Dublin, Mr..losnot h1111.r.VIt, of Williamstown, in his 102,1 year.