Arrived-At Gravesend, Mac 2tl. !lathe, Drayner ; from China; 3.1..fnliet, Wilson and Eleanor, Hotelier.] ; florn'tlitto. ;"hl. S. Elphinstone, Toiler ; and Ganges, Blond- hurst ; from Bengal ; Gilmore. Lindsay, from Bombay ; and CI) sses, Crawford, from New Snuth Wales; and 5111, Sesostris. Yates, ftom Madras. Da Portsmouth, 5th, NaVailno, Clouse, from Beitgal. At Bristol, 51h, Orestes. Steelier, from China ; Sit Osprey. 1-loiter; front Mauritius. At Liverpool. April 2.801, .1. M'Inroy, Cleland, from Bengal ; 30t11, Otlerspool, It from China ; May 2(1, Caledonia, Liddell; fnm ditto; and 4th, Memnon, Skin; from Bengal. In the fly de. April 2701, Jane Brown. Dunlop. front China; and VV. N 'col, Kie.caird, from Bombay. At the Cape, 2.1 March, Palmyra, I oallt•r, front London ; Hope, Coekburn; and Raphael, from Liver. pool. At Van Diemen's Land, Ileury Poreher ; and Atwiek, from London At New South wales, Nov. 27111, Fitment i-a, D(dvette, fruit London ; 30th. Guipure, Henderson, from Lit erpool ; Dee. 241. Lady N ugent, Fawcett. from Loudon; and Mammon.. My hie, from Leith; 5tit, Jessie, Hell, tram Liverpool ; 9th, Bengal Merchant, Catnip bell, from London; lai h, Spartan, Bull, from ditto ; l's Live.ay ; and williain Bryan, Roman, from l'olk. At Chino, Dec. 27111, Pat iina, Tas lie% from. Liverpool. Sailtsl- From Gravesend, May 2d, Join, tioltlie, tor Bengal. Front Liverpool, Apt il 30th, Frances Anu, tiny ; and Martha, \Titter, for China.