The operations of the English Stock 31arket have been principally confined to transactions in Exchequer Bills and in Amin Wan Debentures ; which latter have now become a staple article in the Stock Exchange. The depression of Exchequer Bills has been carried as low as '23s. prem. ; and a disposition seems still to exist among the holders of these securities to avail themselves of the increased interest offered by the Anted= Debentures; and hetwe the large sales that have occurred. The postponement ef the Budget will, under. present circumstances, tend to increase the pressure of Exchequer Bills upon the market; as, had a funding now taken place, it would in all pro- bability have absorbed more than the amonnt that has recently been sold, for the purposes of this new investment. The existence and probable increase of the amountnf these Debentures, will render a funding absolotely necessary; • as we have seen that their circulation, even to its present limited extent, bas produced a very serious decline in the price of Exchequer Bills; and if Parlia- ment be allowed to separate without soms measure of the kind, it is quite evi- dent, that with the large amount of E./PO/ever Bills afloat, any increased issue of American paper might so depress them as to render it imperative upon, the Government to augment the daily rate oft interest, Notwithstanding the large amount of Aineriean Seetwitiee which _arrived by the last packet, the price 11:18 been well sustained. That of the Muds of the United States Bank has been from 94 to 95; and today they are inquired after at the latter price. In the Foreign 'Market, Spanish Stock has "experienced animprovement, and hail risen ataine perind nearly 2 per cent. above the cloning prices of last week. The Treasury Bonds due on theist instant were not paid ; and an a& vertisernent has appeared from the Government enlarging the time for the eon. • ersiun of the Coupons till the 1st of June, till which period the payment is dclayed. The Coupons now due are to be converted into Treasury Bonds pay- able nine and fifteen months hence. The price of both descriptions has been well sustained, those'dne on the 1st November are froin'44 to 46, and those due on theist May are t's to no. The Portuguesat Steuvicies have remained steady ; and there seems to be little reason to doubt that the Dividends upon the Eire per Cauta., which become due on the 1st June, will be paid in due course. Some large sales of Three per Cents, have, however, occurred, as it does ttot appear that the payment of the Dividend upon them, due on the 1st July, is altogether so certain.
The Share Market has been very in ; and some of the varieties, as
• London and Birmingham, have been to considerable demand. Shares gene- rally are however Ratter today ; as some of the large holders have taken ad- vantage of the recent firmness to get rid of very considerable quantities ; and the market is labouring under the weight thus thrown on it.
We have had very little doing here this morning. Consols for Account are
901 There are no 'French prices received, as Thursday being Ascension Day was kept as a holyday on the Paris Bourse. The American Debentures still maintain their price; those of the United States Bank are 95 to 6. and those of the Mmris Canal and Banking Company 99; United States Bank Share 24 to 4. The Railway Shares are firm, at prices slightly below those of yesterday. London and Birmingham are 33 to 35 prem. ; Great Western 16 to 26 prow.; Southampton 214 tu 204 dis. ; and Greenwich I to06 dis.
3 per Cont. Consols 901 Danish 3 per Cents. 72 73 Ditto for Aecunitt 901 Data 24 per Cents 534
3 per Cent. Redacted
891 Mexican Otter Cent 24 New 34 par Cent Anus ex.div 981 1 Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cis.
474 49
Bank Stock
Ditto :3 per Cent.
hint /4tock
Ditto 5 per Cents 1836 Scrip. 601 61
Exchequer Bills '3032 pm.
Poissian ( 1918)5 per Cent
Belgian a 'per Cents es. div 99i 100 Russian (N2'2)5 per Cent... 1074 108 Brazilian 5 per Cents ..... 844
Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent...
221 23