[The following earnest l'etition for the abolition of Capital Punishment, was presented to the Horse of Commons last session by Mr. Grote. Like many other documents which are huddled up and disregarded, though well worthy of public and Parliamentary attention, this petition n-as not printed, and no notice was taken of it. Its beuevoleut author has sent us a copy, which we willingly insert, feeling that its publication at the present tame may not be unattended with benefit. .] " To the llonourar.le, Sze.
" The Petition of the undersigned inhabitant Of Great Yarmouth, and freeholder or the coma y of Norfol k,
" Most humbly shooed], that the pectiliar eirentmaances of your pet 'dieter in two
several insuttlees hereafter referred to, coiljuiutly with a feelieg Die country now very generidly expressed on the severit y legal penishment tor criminal offences
renders it an incumbent duty to state with all dne deference. " in the humble "'duke, of y m,m petitioner, the cost and legitimate end of minisliment relormation if t lie offender.
"fliat the punishment inflieted for the rstinmission of crime, in civil soviely. should in all eases he of such a mime. and I tu stub proportiou. as would most elfeetually tend to eradicate front the mind of tile "Render the propensity to the clime COM- mitted.
" That it is as unreasonable in itself is it is tiniest to the criminal, to I uflict upon him it greater degree of punish.. mit than would ut liefis hq, Ziwapled ia order to pre- vent the 'Hopei ratite' actin,. ill others. " That, in the humble but .1,64.1 opinion of yonr petitioner, punishment in itself just and ,tilemiate, being :Ilene eon:en:on to the Di% ine will, nimbi also be the most powerfelly eflivaciints as an exarnple (and therefor, perfectly voiticident with tile dor-
trine of utilit y to deter lireveht the entniniss.ion of erinne hy others.
" That y oitr petitioner, ft on' u experience, knows that excessive punishment defeats its ON it etel.
" That, in the opinion of y nur re, Weiner, the itAlielion of .1,011 as a pititislonent is not only tiniest but viudictive and exeessit e, and, tinder :my merely litinian legislature, " 'find yoor petitioner having been stopped on the K ing's highway, his visoperty demanded, and, NMI a sword suspended It 11.1 Its liiiin the band of :t runian, his lilt, deeply tineatened, -and having, :Ilse 411.1141.i it forge] y upon hiiii,e11, %% inch Ito lirOilula the indiallpy culprit it. stis it one.. etaireiy preellided :my it•gal proceedings against Ler i', liii. hi,,; ii by his insurimembible abhorrent.° of vindietivo putii,ltmeni. and by his decided conviction that the iithlictii,nt of death is in all 1.3,l'S 1111.:11 " your pet itioiter having learntal religions and moral no well IIS eiVil 01 aiglitiOn from the New l'tata tined. happily filets t,jurelinet only instreeted to honour the King, bet al.., 10 revere God ; and while :maid to tender unto Cmsar the things whiell :tie's,' is tt the same I inie enjoined by the Great Legislator to ' render ludo God the things it 11111 are (tot's,'
" That y our pet itiener is theret'ore ronstrained by a paranumnt allegiance to the sit-
prenie Sloral tam ernor, and an irresistible feelia4 of never, tuidel ally cilcarrl- staliees, to heroine an acent in violating and watHuidy the most sacred rola-
thut between man and his Maker. " That, tieing fully ainl Gorily convinced Unit the Crealor has the sole proprietary
right in that life allielt note, Ind Itimseli I711111(1 vi ir petitioner most humbly and most enrnestly implores tor Homier:dile ii,,.... y liii matmel y to weigh and consider whether it he not heurtIll ;ilia daring presitaipiii.a to wrest that right from the ('reator's hand, and, inlaid b■ him, destroy Ili, .4,1y pan gloriouserca- Lion which he iiimseliderlaled was made' in his " That, for these reasons, your petitioner presumes, but willi all due resptet. to entreat anti sunlit ieate the :Mention of your Ilontelcable II ouse to the grave subject of his petition. Awl your petit r ti ill ..%■•■• pray, ire. Sze.
(Signed) " iv tat lAil ALEXANDZR."