Watt•orrt re, May 5. 1837.-Ist Itprt,of Life (in:arils-Lieut. T.13111kelev to be Capt.
by pnrchave, sic.' Colelough, who ref ; Cornet awl StateLiont. Lord C. 1". Clinton to be Lieut. by purehase, vice Iltilkeley; 11 'T. G. Fitzgerald, Gent. to be Cornet and Sub' limit, by purchase. s ire Lord C. I'. Clinton. Ott, Itegt. of Drags.-E. S. SI av.Gret. to be Cornet, by perehase, vice Ferguson, prompt/al ; Jiang, tient, to bo Cornet, by port ch3st., Vie° T1101111.1,11, c lio retires. Sth Regt, of light Ilraga.-F. T. ii. Wilson, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Barry, promoted. 9111 Regt. of Light Drags.-Cornet J. W. G. Spicer to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Clerk, who retires P. Il• Clalket gent. to be Cornet, by purelime. vice Spicer. Call FIJUI --Capt. 11. Caulfield, front the 5Stit Vont, to he Capt. viee Wilson. w ho rut des upon the halfpay of the Coldstream Gnarls. 19th Foot -11. 11. Stoney, Gent. to he Ensign. by purehatie, vi',' Stone, stun retires. 991.11 boot -Emden E. G. Nitstlay to ho Lhatt. by perelau,e, 'tee Cosby, a ho reties; 3. Power. Geot. to lie Ensign, by purchase, vie, Nieolay. fetth Foot -Captain 1. Foster, from the (it iii It ect, hi be Capt. vice Caulfield, appuinteit to the 6th Vora. 59111 Foot -Ensign J. P. Maxwell to hit Lieut. by purchase, vice Richardson, who retires; J. IL
Clay, Omit, to be by purellasii, site M at 73,1 Foot -W. II. Fitz Gerald, Gent. to Ia. Ensieit, Ity purelia,e. vice Clibitt, promoted. 77111 Foot- StafrAssist.- Slug. W. 11. Burrell, M.D. to be Stwg, vice Deal y, who retires mum half-pay. 83.1
Foot -Assist,Surg. W. Gardiner to Is, Sing. vice w1111 retires upon hislf•pay ; Assisi -.4111.2. 0, Knox, froin the *0th Feat, to be A-sish-Surg. smut Gardiner. 85th Fort-IL J. Darell, tient. to be En(ign. by purchase, viee Peek, pmmoted. 95th Foot -IL l'ratt, tient. to be Ensign, by pureltase. vice Noel, who retires. 97th Foot -Capt. 'I'. S. 0 Ilalh.ran. from the ha dims of t lie t:olthtrentn Guards, to be Cart vice Kehem, appointed to the (7eyloti Hine Beet. 98.11 Foot -Lient. F. It. Fielding to be Capt. without purchase, vice Vernon, deer:teed ; Ensign 5, IV. Russell to be Lieut. vice Fielding.
Ce) ion Rift. Regiment-Capt, C. Kelson, from the 97th Foot, to be Capt. vice Foster, appointed to the 513th Fool.
l'nattnelled-Ensign A J. Pack, from the 85th Foot.to be Lieut. by purchase. Brevet - Limit ..Col. It. Doherty. of the 1.19th Foot, I; (mentor of Sierra Leoue, to base the local rank oI Colonel on the Western reast of Afritet. Hospital Stillf-As.hit -Sere. A, 'f.Jitekson, from the 421 Foot, to lm Assist -Slag. to the Fumes, ice Burrell promoted in the 7701 toot; L. Kelly, M.M. to be Assist. Sing. to the Forces.
Memorandum-Limit, D. S. It. Diekson, emit half pay 'fhb Light Drags. has been allowed in retire front the service, by the sale of an Unattached Lieutenancy, he being about to become a settler in Upper Canada,