6 MAY 1837, Page 15
The old story of a child being found in a
eagle's nest, is the ground- woik of an operatic melodrama, which was brought out at the St. James's last night. The musk is adapted, by Mr. Lone's, from !4.)11.13 thkettihin MelotlieS ; mmii employs the ■1110h..!-tretigth this enel col ps, 1 included ; with the seldom's. of Mr. LENNOX. who made his first appearance here on this occasion. f 2.■ etae effects are very imposing-the flight of the pasteboard eagle with tl e waxen child excepted ; and the piece was greatly applauded. The EatA's Haunt, however, would have suited the Surry better than the St. James's.