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The Calcutta correspondent of the Chronicle asserts that it has been decided to annex Beloochistan ; but the facts he reports, if they are facts, scarcely bear out the assertion. He states that the Government of India has been worn out by the bloodthirstiness of the suzerain-chief of the State, the Khan of Khelat, who, after killing three thousand (?) people, recently murdered sixty-five persons in cold blood. He has also killed five wives, one of whom he burned alive. The Government has therefore arrested and deposed him, but will allow his son to succeed as "nominal ruler." Why nominal ruler P If the story is true, the new Khan will doubtless have to sign a new treaty, binding him to pay attention to the Resident's advice ; but he will be still as much a ruler as the Nizam, or Scindiah, or Holkar. Nobody wanted to be bur- dened with Beloochistan, which is nearly as wild as it was in the days of Alexander ; but the destiny of the Indian Empire marches on without asking leave.