6 MAY 1893, page 1

A Great City Demonstration Against The Home-rule Bill...

in the Guildhall on Wednesday, which was attended by some eighteen hundred stockbrokers, who marched in three detachments from the Stock Exchange to the Guildhall, with the......

The Struggle' Between Norway And Sweden Threatens To...

The Norwegian Storthing absolutely insists that, as the foreign trade of Norway is far greater than that of Sweden, she shall have a Consular establishment of her own all over......

*. S 5 The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...


News Of The Week.

A N absurd rumour having got into the papers that the Duke of York was married, the Court Circular on Tuesday announced his betrothal to the Princess Victoria Mary (Princess......

The German Government Has Announced Officially Its Deter-...

dissolve, if defeated upon the Army Bills; but there is still a faint possibility that they may be passed. A Member of the Centre or Catholic Party, Major Huene, has proposed a......

Mr. Chamberlain's Speech Was An Immense Success. He Dwelt On

Mr. Gladstone's curious impression that thrift in saving, or industry in earning, is a disqualification for sound political judgment, and asked who could form a just impres-......