The Anarchists, from whom the English working men have pointedly
separated themselves, refusing to make their de- monstration in Hyde Park on the same day, made but a poor " show " by themselves on May 1st, making up only, as far as could be judged, from two to three hun- dred. And yet they seem to have gained ground since last year both in numbers and resources, having this time a regular platform, a band, and a fair number of flags, including even that of one of the inferior Trades- Unions. The speaking, however, was of the poorest, and the English of the handbill in French and English which was distributed, was clearly not the original of the two. It is sufficient to quote a line and a half from it "Rebellion need not wait for a First of May ; but if on that day you find a propitious opportunity, then revolt." Revolt against what in Hyde Park, where nurses and perambulators far outnumbered the possible revolters ?