6 MAY 1911, Page 15


SPECTATOR."] Sin,—I should be very glad if you could give publicity in your columns to the fact that a special meeting of the Council of the New Forest Conservative and Unionist Association has been called, to meet at Brockenhurst at 2.45 p.m. on Saturday, May 13th, to consider the question of universal military training and the attitude of the Unionist Party towards it. I am acting in the belief that the Leaders of the Unionist Party only require to be assured of the hearty support on this question of their followers and the bulk of the electorate to announce their intention to recognise the duty of every man to prepare himself in time of peace for the duty he would readily enough recognise in time of war, of defending his country in arms ; though I cannot help adding that a general recognition of this duty would be immensely facilitated if the leaders were to take the lead in recognising it.—I am, Sir, &c., The Hard, Hythe, Southampton. EDWARD T. DIXON.