[to The Editor Or Ted "spectit011."3 Sir, I Think Your
footnote to the letter of "R. N. B." in the issue of April 15th is a begging of the question. Might I ask, has Miss Loane lived her life amongst the working class, or is her......
Migration Within The Empire.
[TO THE EDITOR. OY THE " SPSZTATOR."] SIEjCIDUld not the Coronation year of our Gracious Sovereign be made additionally memorable by the initiation of a scheme for keeping all......
Emigration And The Society For The Promotion Of Christian...
[To TIM EDITOR. OF Tax "6YECTATOR.1 STR,—I heard lately that a lad was leaving onr village here to try his luck in Canada. He had been recommended to go first to Ripley,......
Saving Power Of The Working Class.
[TO THE EDTTOR 07 TEl "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—In the Spectator of April 15th you say in footnote to "R.N.B.'s " letter : " It is invidious and disagreeable in a high degree for the......