SIR, 1 have read from time to time in the pages of the Spectator instances of canine sagacity furnished by your corre- spondents, which have, no doubt, interested many others besides myself. The following incident occurred last Saturday, in my walk from the beach, which, perhaps, may amuse your readers,. as it did me.
My curiosity was excited by seeing a young retriever on his hind legs licking very ardently the face of a nice-looking donkey, who was tethered on the bank. After licking his face all over for a long time, he began to frisk around him, evidently anxious to have a trot together; but, finding that his friend was tied by a rope, he deliberately began to gnaw it, and in a very short time succeeded in setting him free ! The owner of the donkey, who happened to be at work close by, then inter- fered, and put a stop to their little game, or otherwise Master Neddy would, no doubt, have been seduced to join in a scamper_ From the warmth of the dog's salutes, I imagine that he and the donkey were old friends.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Boscombe, Bournemouth, October 31st. S. RICHARDS.