Mr. Adam, In Returning Thanks, Spoke Chiefly Of His Own
career and of the men who had helped him in managing the elections ; but he made some political observations which his place in the party render important. He believed the......
The French Government Is Carrying Out Sharply Its Policy Of
persecution against the unauthorised Monastic Orders, though it has not yet ventured to touch the Nuns. The Capuchins, at Toulouse, Nantes, Lyons, and Carcassonne ; the......
The Blunder Is The Greater, That It Is Clear Enough,
both from the Pope's new brief on the subject, and from one published by the Bishop of Amiens Monsignor Guibert), that the rulers of the Church are quite alive at present to the......
Consols On Wednesday Were Above Par, For The First Time
since 1852. The remote cause of this high price is, of course, the depres- sion in business, and the difficulty of employing money safely in loans at call, except at very low......
At The Banquet Given To Mr. Adam Last Tuesday, At
Edin- burgh, Lord Rosebery, who was in the 'chair, made a very amusing speech. He commented on a prize offered by the Conservative party for an essay on " The Demoralising......
We Observe That The English Church Union Take Our View
of Mr. Dale's imprisonment, as they have withdrawn their advice against the use of the vestments disallowed by the final judg- ment in the Ridsdale case, and would evidently be......
The Ritualists Have Got Another Martyr. The Rev. T. Pelham
Dale, who paid no attention to Lord Penzance's in- hibitions against wearing vestments sanctioned by the Ornaments Rubric of the Prayer-book of the second year of Edward VI.,......
Lord John Manners On Wednesday Made A Characteristic...
the Conservative workmen of Edinburgh. He believed that " Europe was sick " of the foreign policy of Mr. Gladstone, and declared that the Vaccination Bill was an " indulgence,"......