Prince Bismarck still delays the Bills which he is still
be- lieved to be preparing, to conciliate or, at all events," organise," the workmen, and it is possible that the Federal Council is hesitating about them. He does not, however, delay his re- pressive measures, and on Friday, Hamburg and some neigh- bouring towns were, at his order or instigation, declared in a state of minor siege. This State authorises the police to seize dangerous publications and expel suspected persons, and the Socialist presses have at once been seized, and 120 Socialist " agitators," including two Members of Parliament, summarily exiled. Prince Bismarck forgets that by these measures he is driving his opponents to desperation, while he is not attracting to his side the non-Socialist workmen. He is reported to have resigned this week, upon some difference with the Court about the succession to a Secretaryship of State, but the report has been denied. There was, probably, some burst of irritability, but Prince Bismarck has no intention of quitting power.