The great Conference of the National Liberal Federation was held
at Leeds on Wednesday ; and a programme was resolved upon by delegates who represented, it is said, 30 per cant. more Liberal Associations than had been affiliated at the time of Mr. Chamberlain's secession. Sir James Kitson, the President, said that one hundred Liberal Associations had joined the Federation since that event. The programme adopted by the Federation included :— (1), A hearty vote of confidence in Mr. Gladstone as their leader ; (2), approval of a separate Irish Legislature for Irish affairs ; (3), reform of the Land Laws ; (4), a popular system of local government for the counties; (5), the principle of local option for the people as regards spirit-licences ; (6), the principle of religious equality in the relations between the State and all forms of religious belief ; (7), free schools ; (8), such reform in Procedure as would restore efficiency to Parliament, by giving a majority of the House of Commons the control of its own business ; (9), a registration reform, with a considerable reduction of the time of residence necessary to qualify an elector ; (10), non-intervention in Euro- pean affairs, so as to open a prospect of reduction in the expenditure on the Army and Navy.