[to Ma Itdrroa Or Tre " Bpscrarox."1
Sra,—Your article on " Clerical Incomes " in the issue of October 30th, did not overstate the fall in clerical net income., rather, it understated the fall. I have before me the......
The Scottish Liberal Association And Its Vote.
[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR:] Sni,—As a member of this Association, will you allow me to- protest against the way in which the Times deals with important- political......
[To TEL EDITOE Of TEL " SPECTAX011."] SIR,—It has probably been as pleasant to many another veteran co-operator as it was to me to read your article of October 30th, on the......
[to To:s Ennoa Or The "srscraros."] Observe, In Your Article
on this subject in the Spectator of October 30th, you quote from Mullion's "Dictionary of Statistics," that "in England and Wales, 11,784 clergymen collect £4,054,000." This is......
Clerical Incomes.
[To TEL BRITOIL OP TIER "SPECTATOR."] Sia,—There is one omission in your truthful article on this subject which needs to be supplied. Besides local rates, there is Land-tax,......