The Lakes of Austria, Bavaria, and Hungary. By Colonel G.
B. Malleson. (Chapman and Hall.)—Colonel Malleson gives a most attractive account of fishing in various regions of which he has had personal experience. His directions are plain and particular, and the prospects of sport which he gives most enticing. The only thing to be objected is that these places are remote. You must begin by going to Vienna, and even then you have a long way to travel. But then if the localities were more easily reached the spot would soon be spoilt. The angler who can surmount these difficulties will find himself rewarded by sport not only abundant, but varied. We will, for instance, hook, if not catch, the " hucher,"—the " hucher " has, it seems, a great aversion to being caught. This fish is one of the Sa/mo genus, sometimes running to 40 lb. Whether he visits the sea seems doubtful.