Professor Dowden's "history Of French Literature."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "Sezcrkroa."] SIR,—Will you allow me to protest against the very commoi error from which your reviewer of Professor Dowden's "History of French Literature"......
[to The Editor Or Tel "spectator:] Sin,—the Writer Of The
article on "The Church Reform League" in the Spectator of October 30th seems to have overlooked the fact that the scheme of the League for "the better government of the Church......
The Friendly Puma.
T HE chapter devoted to the puma in "The Royal Natural History," one of the most recent and best edited of popular works on zoology, presents the " lion " of the New World in a......
Mr. Tom Hughes At Rugby.
[To THE EDITOR OF TI1E " SrECTATOR."1 Sue,—I ask for a small space to supplement Lord Aldenlia m's letter in the Spectator of October 30th, with v, ;lich, in the main, I quite......