Sunday Reading for the Young. (Wells Gardner, Dayton, and Co.)—This
is, both as regards letterpress and illustrations, as good a magazine of the kind, and for the end at which it aims, as there is to be found. We can speak from experience of the hearty welcome which it receives from its young clients, a welcome which, indeed, it thoroughly deserves. There is a brightness and a variety about it which are worthy of all praise. On the whole, the difficult problem of Sunday reading is solved in these pages as well as one can expect to find it solved anywhere. There are two serial stories that run through the volume, "Courage," by Ismay Thorne, and "Left to Themselves," by E. M. Green, and a well-chosen miscellany of matter, in which literature, popular natural history, anecdote, and other things are duly included. The special element of Scriptural knowledge is adequately represented.