6 NOVEMBER 1926, Page 14

Letters to the Editor


[To the Editor of the SPEcTAron.]

Sin,—I think that most of us, who have given any serious attention to the matter, will agree with " F. T. D." that the evolutionary doctrine, like several other notable scientific generalizations, has only very slightly influenced " common thought," by which I understand him to mean more specific- ally. religious thOught. Instead of being gladly welcomed _as an important aid to faith, it has too often been regarded with suspicion and even hostility, although this has doubtless in part been due to the fact that till comparatively recently the doctrine has generally been associated with a materialistic philosophy.

As to the special subject referred to by " F. T. D." in his letter, may r be allowed to make two observations ?

(1) Whereas in the production of a fiew species Darwin and the earlier evolutionists relied almost exclusively upon a large number of successive and almost imperceptible varia- tions, to-day the idea seems to be that in most cases the change is effected by what is known as a " mutation," that is, a sudden jump onwards. May it not, therefore, have been by some such sudden jerk that the distinctively human stage was at last reached, which among other things may have carried with it the possibility, of survival ?

(2) I say " the possibility of survival," for after all, whatever view may be taken of the nature of Biblical inspiration, the fact remains that neither in the Old nor in the New Testament is there mention of an " immortal soul," nor is immortality anywhere ascribed to man as such. - These expressions we owe to Greek philosophy, not to primitive Christianity. The oft-recurring expression, " Eternal Life," does not denote the same thing as immortality, for according to St. Paul it is something to be strenuously laid hold of, and there are those, he also tells us, who have judged themselves quite unworthy

to receive it (1 Tim. vi.12 ; Acts Isn't this coming very near the scientific doctrine of the survival of the fittest ?---f