6 NOVEMBER 1926, page 47

The Kays. By Margaret Deland. (cape. 7s. 6d. Net.)— Another

of Mrs. Deland's rather gentle stories of Old Chester, New England. Its hero, Arthur Kay, though inheriting his father's gallantry, is taught by his mother to love his enemies......

Irene Iddesleigh. By Mrs. Amanda M`kittriek Ross. (the...

10s: 6d. net.)—Here and there for some years now people have chuckled over old shabby copies of Mrs. Ross's novel, Delina Delaney, and a few over the less known Irene......

Country Life And Sport

Doc HOMERS. On the subject of the homing instinct in dogs, of which a personal experience was given in this place, a notable episode is sent me by a correspondent from Ireland.......

The Sixth Sense ?

In the latest scientific view of water-divining—of the dowser's art—a quite definite sixth sense is attributed to some few men and women. The view seems to be that the forked......

Pharisees And Publicans. By E. F. Benson. (hutchinson....

net.)—Some much exaggerated but entertaining characters in this lively novel remind one that many who lead saintly lives are stumbling-blocks to the less godly, but more......

Daphne Adeane. By Maurice Baring. (heinemann. Bs. 6d....

books .will undoubtedly survive, if only because they give a true picture of cultivated English society in the twentieth century. His characters vibrate with life and radiate......

Ant Hills. By Hannah Berman. (faber And Gwyer. 7s. 6d.

net.)—Glimpses into the dark existence of the Jews in Lithuania last century. Sympathetically,- vividly and well- written in a way that explains much of the Jewish peculiarities......

Alsatian Treachery.

The psychology or morality of that popular and most precious dog, the Alsatian, has been much canvassed of late, in the Times and elsewhere. Many of the charges brought against......

This Week In London

LECTURES. Wednesday, November 10th, at 4 p.m.—THE THEORY OF COLOUR AND ITS APPLICATION TO PAINTING. By Professor A. P. Laurie. The first of a - Berke of six daily lectures. At......