This Week in London
Wednesday, November 10th, at 4 p.m.—THE THEORY OF COLOUR AND ITS APPLICATION TO PAINTING. By Professor A. P. Laurie. The first of a -Berke of six daily lectures. At the Royal Acidemy of Arts. Also :— November 10th, at 5 p.m.—AmErucANIRATIoN of THE Burma THEATRE. By Ian hay. The second of three lectures in aid of the Duchess of York's Centre for Mothers and Babies, Islington. At 25 Park Lane, W. 1. Tickets, 3 for £1, or singly, 7s. 6d. to be obtained from the Organizing Secretary, Scottish Women's Hospitals' Association of the Royal Free Hospital, 24 Mecklenburgh Square, W.C. 1.
November I 1th, at 3 p.m.—AcRoss THE PACIFIC. By The Rt. Hon. S. M. Bruce. The 3rd Page Memorial Lecture of the English Speaking Union. Central Hall, Westminster. Also :--
Thursday, November 11th, at 3.15 p.m.—FEAR : ITS. CAUSE AND EFFECTS. By Dr. Crichton Miller. The third of a series of lectures on " Psychological Difficulties in the Nursery," to be held at Carnegie House, 117 Piccadilly, S.W. Tickets, £2 for the course of Six, or 7s. 6d. for each lecture, to be obtained from Viscountess Erleigh 65, Rutland Gate, S.W. 7.
Friday, November 12th, at 4.45 p.m.—A public meeting will be held on OvERREA SETTLEMENT FOR WOKEN, at the Church House, Great Smith Street. The speakers will be the Rt. Hon. S. M. Blum, M.C., 1,4:13; The- Rt. Hon. L. S. Amery, M.P.' and Miss Margaret Bondileld, M.P. Tickets to be obtained from The Secre- tary, S.O.S.B.W., Caxton House (West Block), Tothill Street, S.W. 1.
Saturday, November 13th at 3 p.m.—THE STUDY OF HISTORY. 'Y Rev. B. M. Walker, D.D., LL.D. At the Royal -Institute of Great Britain, 21 Albemarle Street, W.
BEN Hurt.—At the Tivoli, Strand, one can see the most expensive in ever made, based on Colonel Wallace's famous novel with the exciting chariot race.
MARE NosTRum.—Produced by Rex Ingram, concerning spies and submarines, and showing at the New Gallery.
MADEMOISELLE FROM ARMENTIERES.—A delightful British film, one of the new and brighter ones, about the mythical war-time Ifies. At the Marble Arch Pavilion. L. BEVERLEY OF ORAUSTARK.—Nratimi Davies as a boy in Ruritania : entertaining. Capitol, Haymarket, RR- KNOCK.—On Sunday, 'November 14th only,- at the New mkt, 8.15, in aid of the NortfilKensington Women's Welfare ntre—a clever French film based on Jules Romain's play. Tickets M H. Harvey, 56 Manchester f3treet- W. 1. •