6 NOVEMBER 1926, Page 15


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—I desire to express my entire appro-val of Sir Alfred Mond's proposal for an " Imperial Zollverein." The notion of our joining a .United States of Europe has proved ,inipossible. Let us then hare a fiscally united Empire. To obtain so great an advantage I should be willing to sacrifice some of the abstract principles of Free Trade.

I should be glad to set forth in detail and explain why I consider that the new constitutions would justify such a sacrifice, but I write from bed, to which (like so large a portion of the population) I am confined by an attack of influenza. I am disobeying medical orders in writing this.—I am, Sir, &c.,

[In publishing Sir Alfred Mond's article last week the Spectator by no means pledged itself to support his proposal. —En. Spectator.]