6 NOVEMBER 1926, Page 3

On Thursday, October 28th, Sir Samuel Hoare, the Secre- ry

of State for Air, addressed the Imperial Conference on r Communications. He pointed out that the Empire as in urgent need of improved communications, and hat to get them co-operative effort was necessary. dealt only with civil aviation, but he showed eidentally that civil and military aviation were extricably connected. Civil aviation provides the ncmledge: and the personnel which would be required or a sadden military expansion. Sir Samuel explained iat the new civil air 'route from Egypt to India was he first section of 'a great Imperial route to the Far t. Re. suggested that India and Burma could -*rate in extending the route to Rangoon. Thence might be practicable, by means of flying boats, to tend it still further to Australia. He gave other strationi of the manner in which it would be possible .' a general linking up to establish_air routes to all the Bich parts of the Empire. Such co-operation, in moll both civil and military airmen would take their art! would avoid any necessity for 'a subsidy.

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