6 NOVEMBER 1926, Page 3

Sir Arthur Salter, Director of the Economic and finance Sections

of the League of Nations, contributed o the Times of Wednesday a deeply interesting account f the settlement of the Greek Refugees from Turkey. ter the disaster to the Greek arms in Asia Minor and he practical destruction of Smyrna less than five years , nearly the whole Greek population of Western is Minor fled in destitution to Greece. A loan was ecessary to help the settlement of these refugees, and he Governor of the Bank of England courageously took he first step that led to the loan floated by the League. Ye published in the Spectator several months ago an rticle describing how the refugees had brought new dustrial energy to Greece, and Sir Arthur Salter fully onfirms what was said in that article. The political ad economic results of the settlement in Southern acedonia and Western Thrace are most important.

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