A Library List
REMINISCENCE AND BIOGRAPHY :-Michael Collins and the Making of a New Ireland. By Piaras Beaslai. Two Vols. (Harrap. 42s.)-Frank, Bishop of Zanzibar. By B. Maynard Smith. (S.P.C.K. 7s. 6d.)-The Passing Show. By Henry Russell. (Thornton Butterworth. 188.) -Eton and King's. By M. R. James. (Williams and Norgate. 15s.)-The Diaries of a Duchess. With a Foreword by the Duke of Northumberland. (Hodder and Stoughton. 18s.)-Family Views of Tolstoy. Edited by Aylmer Maude. (Allen and Unwin. 10s. 6d.) -In Black and White. By Viscount Knutsford. (Arnold. 21s.)-7--My Army Life. By the Earl of Dundonald. (Arnold. 21s.) .
MISCELLANEOUS :-Ancient Egyptian Materials. By A. Lucas. (Arnold. 7s. 6d.)-Essays in Popular Science. By Julian Huxley. (Chatto and Windus. 16s.)- Encounters with All Sorts of People, including Myself. By. B. Ifor Evans. (Hodder and Stoughton. 10s. 64:L) Paris. By Sidney Dark. (Macmillan. 25s.)- The Great Chartered Companies. By David Hannay. (Williams and Norgate. 10s. 6d.) TRAVEL :-Sailing Across Europe. By Negley Farson. (Hutchinson. 21s.)-Ancient Cities and Modern Tribes. By Thomas Gann. (Duckworth. 21s.) Among the Kara-Korum Glaciers. By Jenny Visser- Hooft. (Arnold. 21s.) An African Eldorado. By T. Alexander Barns. (Methuen.- 15s.)-A View of Sierra Leone. By F. W. H. Migeod. (Kegan -Paul. 31s. 6d.)-Suomi : The Land of the Finns. . By A. MacCallum Scott. (Thornton Butterworth. 7s. 6d.) REmotous :-Preaching in Theory. and Practice. By The Rev. Samuel *McComb. (Oxford University, Press. 7s. 6d.) -Studies in the Text of the New. Testament. By A. T. Robertson. (Hodder and StOughton. 8s. 6d.)-Days of the Son of Man. By W. Mackintosh Ma:ckay. (Hodder and Stoughton. 7s. 6d.)-Evolution in Religion: By William Stuart. (Williams and Norgate. 6s.) LITERATURE :-Luigi Pirandello. By Walter Starkie. (Dent. 7s. f3d.)---Pelagea and Other Poems. By A. E. Coppard. (The Golden Cockerel Press. 15s.)=-A Study of Szvinburne. By T. Earle Welby. (Faber and Gwyer. 16s.) ART :-Albrecht Diller. By Campbell Dodgson. (Medici Society. 22s. 6d.)-All Religions are One. Drawings of William Blake. (Frederick Hollyer. 15s.)----The Practical Decoration of Furniture. Vol. I: By H. P. Shapland. (Berm. 12s. 6d.)-Old Glass. By N. Hudson Moore. (Hodder and Stoughton. .42s.)- The Tempest. Illustrated by Arthur Beckham. (Heine-. mann. 21s.) NOVELS :-The Smugglers' Cave. By George A. Birmingham. (Hodder and Stoughton. 7s. 6d.)-Blinded Kings. By J. Kessel and H. Iswolsky. 7s. 6d.)-Sugar and Spice. By Lady Kitty Vincent. Illustrated by Fish." (The Bodley Head. 6s. 6d.)