6 OCTOBER 1877, Page 1


THE Pashas at Constantinople are evidently not so contented with the progress of the war as their admirers in London. They -consider that Mehemet Ali should have attacked the Cesarevitch instead of retiring behind the Lom, and have accordingly recalled him. As his successor they have selected Suleiman Pasha, a general who, before the Shipka Pass, has certainly displayed his readiness to attack. He must be eager to retrieve his defeats ; he believes in the system of spending men, by which he so nearly 'crushed Montenegro ; and he will, we imagine, at once commence a determined attack upon the army of the Heir-Apparent. That army, however, is very strong ; it will fight for the first time upon the defensive, and it will be guided by General Kot- zebue, who has arrived at head-quarters to assume the chief posi- tion on the Staff. We may expect, therefore, within a fortnight to hear of the most serious actions of the campaign. Suleiman Pasha, to judge by his record, is quite capable of losing half his army to secure victory.