In The Death Of Cardinal Riario Sforza, Cardinal...
Naples—who died this day week, in his sixty-seventh year—Rome has lost probably the best candidate whom the Conclave could have chosen, if they had intended to try the......
Sir Hardinge G-iffard Made A Speech At Launceston, On Thurs-
day, upon the Eastern Question, in which he stated that England was bound by treaty to maintain the integrity of the Ottoman Empire ; that "Russian atrocities" were as bad as......
Mr. Forster, On Saturday, Delivered A Long Speech At...
to a meeting of Odd Fellows upon thrift, in the course of which, while defending the Poor-law as a defence against revolution, he sug- gested that means might yet be found by......
A Very Odd Little Effort Has Been Made In Transylvania
to injure the Russians. A body of Szeklers, a Magyar nationality on the Roumanian frontier, are said to have been bribed with English sovereigns, "supplied by to Members of......
Mr. Gladstone's Political Speech At Nottingham Was So...
in the papers of yesterday week, that we were unable to notice it in our last impression. Indeed, it was hardly re- ported at all till Saturday. It was eloquent enough, but in......
In A Diocesan Conference Opened. At Oxford On Thursday, A
warm debate arose on the subject of Confession, a "rider" being moved to a resolution in favour of the connexion between Church and State, which made that connexion conditional......
Lord Lytton Has Virtually Superseded The Government Of...
the management of the Famine, entrusting absolute control to the Duke of Buckingham personally, aided, or rather guided, by General Kennedy, an officer who has dealt......
A Correspondent Of The Times, Writing From Erzeroum,...
a very grave and well-considered manner a dreadful charge against the Turks. He says the higher officers positively refuse to allow amputations, holding it better that their own......