The most accomplished of the Irish Roman Catholic leishop5 Dr.
Moriarty, Bishop of Kerry, died at his palace at Tralee on Monday last, in the sixty-seventh year of his age, after an episco- pate of twenty-one years. He was at once the most learned and the least Ultramontane of the Irish Bishops. In politics, too, he was no Democrat, and was as firm in his denunciation of Fenianism as Cardinal Cullen could be in his denunciation of Gallicanism. It is stated that he once declared hell not to be hot enough, nor eternity long enough, to punish adequately those who had misled their countrymen into the Fenian rebellion, but perhaps that only shows that his conception of hell was a mild one. Assuredly Bishop Moriarty was a man of fine charity and high culture, whose graciousness was at least as remarkable as his independ- ence of mind,—a man filled with a soft light of refinement and of religious love.