General Smuts declared that it was quite .a mistake to
suppose that there was any intention on the part of 'the Dominions to attack British 'fiscal policy, but it seemed to him desirable from every point of view that additional preferences should be given on certain articles so that the Empire might become as nearly as possible self-supporting. That is an 'ideal for which, of course, it would be worth while to make considerable sacrifices. We doubt, however, whether -so far as we can see ahead, and with the help of any imaginable form of tariff, the Empire could become quite self-supporting. What about oil, for instance? Mr. Irmes, speaking for the Indian *Delegation, said that India -would not be content to acquiesce indefinitely in her present methods of exporting raw materials and _importing manufactures. She had already declared for a policy of " discriminating Protection." * * * *