The Contemporary.
Dr. William Miller, writing of " Italy and Greece "—the two countries which he knows better, perhaps, than any other living Englishman—reminds us that Signor Mussolini's party......
The Empire Review.
The Empire Review under its new management has produced another new feature. It now tells the chief political news in a running summary called " Monthly Notes." The most......
Professor Morgan, With Unbounded Industry, Has Compiled A...
6,544 German works by named authors—apart from anonymous books and collections—which were translated into English before 1917. In many cases he indicates by signs the merit or......
Language And Literature.
Language and Literature. Tract No. XIV. of The Society for Pure English (Clarendon Press. 2s. 6d. net). At the time of his death, Dr. Henry Bradley was engaged in writing a......
The October Magazines.
The Nineteenth Century. The Nineteenth Century opens with an article attacking " Democracy," by Mr. G. H. Bonner. He complains that we allow ourselves to be ruled by phrases and......
This New Volume Of M. Albert Feuillerat's Edition Of Sidney
contains the Defence of Poesie, the political discourses, corre- spondence, the verse translations of the Psalms, the translation of a portion of Mornay's Verite de la Religion......
The Fortnightly.
M. Joseph Caillaux, the chances of whose return to public life seem to be growing, contributes an important article on "The Political Situation in France." He envisages French......
This Learned Volume, The Last And Smallest Of A Very
remark- able series, deals with sixteen dialects and argots used by small vagrant tribes, numberin g in all about 100,000 persons. They are called gipsies, b ut apparently have......