The Empire Review.
The Empire Review under its new management has produced another new feature. It now tells the chief political news in a running summary called " Monthly Notes." The most important article is by Lord Milner on " Problems of the Imperial Conference." As regards the representation of the Dominions in London, he thinks that the most promising proposal is that each Dominion should have one of its Cabinet Ministers permanently in London. The probable sequel would be that a Committee of the British Cabinet would be formed of those most directly concerned with Imperial and foreign affairs and that the Dominion Ministers resident in London would be members of that Committee. Such a body would, in Lord Milner's opinion, do much to fill the gap between Conference and Conference. He hopes that the Imperial questions before the Conference will not be allowed to sink in " the bog of the old Tariff controversy." He urges the British members of the Conference not to use arguments which show a want of understanding of the Dominion point of view. It is no use to say to the Dominion representatives, for example, " 'Look at the enormous amount of your imports which we admit without imposing on them any duties at all.' That answer is as irritating as it is com- pletely wide of the mark."