6 SEPTEMBER 1851, Page 10



The English Funds were in demand at the beginning of the week, and on Tuesday afternoon the closing prices were about 1 per cent above those of the previous day. A downward movement to the extent of 1 per cent has since occurred, but today the market has again recovered, and the closing " quotations are nearly the highest of the week ; Consols for Money and Ac- count being 9644. The business transacted has been more extensive than usual, more than one influential purchase for money having occurred, and some speculative sales. The rate of discount continues the same, and money May be easily obtained in the Stock Exchange at 21 per cent.

The books of the various Stocks, the dividends upon which become due on the 10th October, will close and reopen on the days stated below.

Surr. OPY.N.

Bank Stock Friday Sept. 12. Friday Oct. 17.

Time-and-a-quarter per Cents.... ,, Tuesday Oct. 21.

Reduced Three per Cents Thursday Sept. 11. Friday Oct. 17. Long Annuities

Annuities 1559

Old South Sea Annuities „ „

All will be open for private transfer on the 11th October. The business of the Foreign Market has been limited, and scarcely any variation in prices has occurred. Sardinian Scrip declined upon the report of the assembling of an Austrian army of occupation on the frontiers of Pied- mont; and although this intelligence does not seem to be confirmed, the Scrip continues without vitality—bargains occurred both yesterday and to- day at 2 per cent discount. Spanish Stock was firm up to yesterday, when intelligence was received of the landing of the piratical expedition in Cuba, and the execution of fifty of the Sympathizers. The price then fell from to j per cent ; but improved again tufty. use Share Market has undergone some fluctuation ; most of the principal Shares having advanced from 1/. to 2/. or 31.; but this improvement has not been maintained, and the closing quotations today are but little in advance of Monday's. The French Shares are slightly lower, and the demand so fre- quently noticed as existing for the French market appears to have been checked; the week's transactions have been unimportant.

SATURDAY Twazvaio'CLocx. The opening price of Consols was 9844 both for Money and Account, and the market has since continued steady at these quotations, with but few transactions. Nothing of importance has occurred in the Foreign Market, where prices are nominally the same as yesterday. The Railway Share Mar- ket is rather firmer ; the fewtransactions recorded being at advanced prices —North-western, 1131; Midland, 431 ; North Staffordshire, ; York, New- castle, and Berwick Extension, 12; York and North Midland, 164 17. The French mail of yesterday has not arrived, and there is consequently no change or business occurring in the French Shares.


The business transacted has been insignificant, and almost every description of Foreign and English Stock closes at the morning's quotation. A alight improvement is observable in Portuguese Four per Cent Bonds, which have been done at 33. The following are the principal bargains recorded in the Foreign Funds—Brazilian, 91; Danish Five per Cen:a, 1011 102; Mexican, 281 8; Portuguese (Old 1824), 861 881 874; Ditto Four per Cents 1842, 33; Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 1021 102; Spanish Active, 201; French Five per Cents, 94.50, Ex. 25.10; Ditto Three per Cents 55.75, Ex. 25.10; Dutch Four per Cents, 92 1. The Railway Share Market is steady, with a firmer appearance. The following are the principal bargains reeorded—Chester and Holyhead, 14; Eastern Counties, 64; East Lancashire, 13/ 4 4; Great Northern, 16; 'tared Western 771 61 74; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 49 81 91 94; Lone Son and Blackwell, 64; London, Brighton and South Coast, 911 1 ; London and North-western, 1131 14 134; Date New Quarter-shares, 24; Midland, 434 21 34; Ditto 50l. Shares, 15 141; Norfolk, 164 174; North '

British, 64 1 North Staffordshire' 74; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolver- hampton, 151 141 151; South-eastern and Dover, 191 ; York, New- castle, and Berwick Extension, 12; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase or Preference, 51; York and North Midland, 161 17; Buckinghamshire, 171; Leeds and Bradford, 100; Chester and Holyhead, 144; Midland Consolidated 6 per Cent Stock, 1271; East Indian, 204; Namur and Liege, 51 ; Northern of

per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 8 per Cent Reduced 34 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian per Cents Belgian 44 per Cents Chili= 6 per Cents

Danish 5 per Cents


98 -16

214 16 45 48 pm.

280 2 91 3 93 5

104 6 1014 24 ex d.

Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 Peruvian 6 per Cents

Portuguese 4 per Cents 184211 1

Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824 Russian 5 per Cents Ditto 44 per Cents Spanish (Active) 6 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 Venezuela


7G 79

921 591 I 281 3:2: 3eix d. 18601438121 201

374 /


France, 141 4; Iaria and Strasbourg, 111; Australasian, 381.