Surplus Funds Of The Great Exhibition: Provincial Schools...
Neweastk, 2d September. Sra—Can you afford a little space for some remarks on the appropriation of the surplus gains of the Great Exhibition with reference to Mr. Fuller's......
In Reference To The Murder Of Mr. White Of Abbeyleix,
the Dublin cor- respondent of the ritP188 says—" An account from Maryborough mentions that one of the chief actors in the late tragedy has been arrested by the Police. Of this......
At The Master Cutler's Feast In Sheffield, On Thursday, To
inaugurate the year of office of Mr. W. Webster, the speeches of the day were made by Lord Wharncliffe, and Mr. Beckett Denison, M.P. for the West Rid- ing. Mr. Parker and Mr.......
Irtttro Tu Ijir (mtn.
ROYAL PROGRESS. 51, Burton Crescent, 3d September 1851. Sin—In your last paper, on "Topics of the Day," there are some animad- versions on the "rude Vestry" of St. Pancras '......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRMAY AFTERNOON. The English Funds were in demand at the beginning of the week, and on Tuesday afternoon the closing prices were about 1 per cent above those of......