Tuesday, September 2.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLTED.-Porteus and Co. Manchester' trimming-merchants- Pender and Co. Manchester, merchants ; as far as regards A. Smyth-Hardman, and Co. Gresham Street, button-dealers-Maclean and Co. Liverpool, ship-carpen- ters; as far as regards A. Smith -Wheatley and Co. Swan Chambers, Gresham Street, boarding-house-keepers-Lingo and King, Whitecross Street, and King and Co. High Street, Southwark, cheesemongers-Coventry and Glover, Liverpool, brokers- Longstaff and Co. Sunderland, grocers-Harle and Clarke. Leeds, attornies -Marsland and Brother, Stockport, calico-printers-Troughton and Co. Kirby Stephen, Westmoreland, wool-staplers-Atkinson and Eldrid, Regent Street, whip- makers-Whitaker and Crowther, Leeds, dyers-Easterbrook and Co. Sheffield, machinists; as far as regards T. Ellis-Stuhlman and Elliott, Manchester, merchants -Mummery and Mahon, Avery Row, Bond Street, paper-stainers.
BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.-,JOHN MACDUFF, 1.1anelly, auctioneer.
BANKRUPTS.-WILLIAM JAAIES and CATHERINE PAXMAN, Hare Street, Bethnal Green, silk-dyers, to surrender Sept. 13, Oct. 11: solicitors, Crosby and Compton, Church Court, Old Jewry ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Joni; and THOMAS YOUNG WALL, Chatham, brewers, Sept. 8, Oct. 17: solicitors, Wright and Bonner, London Street ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-HENRY Aromas NEWMAN, Jewry Street, clothier, Sept. 8, Oct. 17: solicitors, Reid and Co. Friday Street ; Sale and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Cannan, Birchin Lane- WILLTAM STRANGE junior, Paternoster Row, bookseller, Sept. 8, Oct. 17: solicitor, Gidley, Crosby Hall Chambers ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street - DUMAS BoNNET, Mark Lane, wine-merchant, Sept. 13, Oct. 24: solicitor, Lewis, Albany Court Yard; official assignee, Cannan, Birchin Lane-WILLIAM HERO LUCKINS, Kennington Row, coach-maker, Sept. 8, Oct. 17: solicitors, Cates and Son, Fenchurch Street ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-ROBERT THORPE, Stafford, last-manufacturer, Sept. 16, Oct. 7: solicitor, Smith, Birming- ham ; official assignee, Whitinore, Birmingham-JoHN PHILLIrs, Longton, grocer, Sept. 16, Oct. 7: solicitors, Evans and Son, Liverpool, or Smith, Birmingham ; assignee. Valpy, Birmingham-THOMAS WEBB, Stourbridge, clothier, Sept. 16, Oct. 7: solicitors, Price, Stourbridge ; Smith, Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham-JOHN MIDGLEY, Hull, carpenter, Sept. 17, Oct. 15: solicitor, Saxelbye, Hull; official assignee, Carrick, Hull-3IATTHEw PATTISON, South Shields, ironmonger, Sept. 16, Oct. 17: solicitors, Crosby and Comptott, Church Court, Old .Jewry; Hoyle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official assignee, Baker, Newcastle-upon- Tyne.
DIVIDENDS.-Sept. 23, Wright, Tamworth, scrivener-Sept. 24, Artley, North Burton, Yorkshire, miller-Sept. 24, Gooddy and M'Kee, Hull, millers. CERTIFICATES.-To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of weeting.-Sept. 25, Davis, Halifax, comtnission-agent-Sept. 24, Mills, Painswick, Gloucestershire, quarry-master.
Scone SEttuEsTRATioNs.-Bainie, Eeht, Aberdeenshire, farmer, Sept. 8, 27- Lesslie and Co. Auchry, quarriers, Sept. 8, 29-Kennedy, St. Andrews, builder, Sept. 6, 28-Laing and Co. Leith, merchants, Sept. 8, 29.
Friday, September 5.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Forbes and Knibb, Southampton, booksellers-Smith and Lord, Huddersfield, ironmongers-J. and R. Cotton, Salford, spindle and fly makers-Fielding and Son, Blackburn, cotton-manufacturers-Molyneux and Travis, Liverpool, booksellera-Kegg and Mellor, Liverpool, coal-merchants- Morgan and Brooks, Manchester, bill-discounters -Cheetham and Fielden, Rochdale, linen-dra- pers-Roe and Hanson, Strand-Abrahams and Slinn, Sheffield, engineers-G. and W. Oldenbourg, Leeds, merchants-S. and J. Ward, Hull, brewers-Evans and Dick- ens, Salford, chair-makers-Craven and Blackwell, Penistone, Yorkshire, stone- merchants-J. F. and E. Hodges, Dorchester, wine-merchants-Dowson and Co. Commercial Road, Lambeth, timber-merchants; as far as regards J. Dowson-Hart- ley and Starkey, Caine. grocers-Cheeseman and Co. Brighton, surveyors ; as far as regards T. Cheeseman -Story and Store, John Street, Crotched Friars, hop-mer- chants-Snowball and Co. Gas Works, Lenwardeu, Holland; as far as regards E. E. Goldsrnid, J. C. Snowball, R. Ward, J. F. Gregory, and N. D. Goldsinid. BANKRUPTCIES ANNULLED.-W. H. Haigh, Wakefield, flour-factor-A. R. Fry, Mile End Road, chemist-Ii. Hayes, Regent Street, draper-J. Brown, Deal, grocer. BANKRUPTS.-JoHN VALENTINE, Northampton, tea-dealer, to surrender Sept. 13, Oct. 24: solicitors, Miller and Carr, Eastcheap ; official assignee, Whitmore, Ba- singhall Street-JoHN BRUDENELL, Windsor, brewer, Sept. 13, Oct. 24: solicitors, Lawrance and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; Bunnyand Son, Newbury; official assignee, Canna; Birchin Lane-TuOMAS EDWARD NEWSTEAD, Norwich, draper, Sept. 13, Oct. 18: solicitors, Hardwick and Co. Weavers' Hall, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-FREDERICK WINDLE and HENRY MORETON Srlaw, Liverpool, drapers, Sept. 10, Oct. 7: solicitors, Mason, Moira Chambers, Ironmonger Lane ; Avison and Pritt, Liverpool; official assignee, Morgan, Liver- pool-RoBERT NELson FORSYTH, Birmingham, victualler, Sept. 16, Oct. 6: solicitor, Bartlect, Birmingham ; official assignee, Valpy, Birmingham-Jons Limns Mem- ,.oltD, Stoke Gabriel, Devonshire, miller, Sept. 17, Oct. 8: solicitors, Windeatt, Tot- flees Terrell, Exeter ; official assignee, Heniaman, Exeter-Joists Foremen and Bo- nner Fnow, Hull, builders, Sept. 24, Oct. 22: solicitors, Thorney and Son, and Lightfoot and Co. Hull; official assignee, Carrick, Hull. CEItTIFICATES.-To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of mesting.-Oct. 1, Solornons, Basinghall Street, merchant-Oct. 8, R. and F. R. Ha- zard, Bristol, victuallers-Sept. 29, Bibby, Llanrhaiade-yn-Mochnant, Denbighshire, draper-Sept. 26, Cobb, Preston, innkeeper-Sept. 26, Kendall and Standish, Leeds, grocers-Sept. 30, Richards, Westbromwich, grocer. DIVIDENDS.-Oet. 2, Edwards, Newport, Monmouthshire, iron-founder-Oct. 17, Bullock, Bristol, innholder-Oct. 21, Collins and Rose, Bewdley, Worcestershire, carpet-manufacturers; Sept. 26, Kendall and Standish, Leeds, grocers-Sept. 26, Wilson, Wakefield, draper. BECL4MATION OF DIVIDEND.-Ashworth, Nunhills, Lancashire, woollen-manu- facturer; die. of 3s. Id. and 63-64ths of Id. any Tuesday; Mackenzie, Manchester. SCOTCH SF.C113ESTRATIONS.-Henderson, Edinburgh, drysalter, Sept. 8, 29-Findlay, Edinburgh, coal-merchant; Sept. 11, Oct. 2.