All kinds of rumours are.afloat about the Ashantee Expedition, as
there usually are when any work of a disagreeable kind is to be done. Everybody volunteers, and everybody's friends think he must die because he has volunteered. Why shouldn't he die. if he dies doing the duty he himself thinks it urgent to do?` Points are, however, occasionally raised which seem to be of some importance. One is as to the existence of any non-commissioned officers for the Fantees. Are their own chiefs to act in that capacity, or is the whole labour to be thrown upon officers, only sent out in the proportion of three per thousand? Then has any attention been paid to the means of transport across the " Terai," where it is said the Tsetse fly exists,—as we may re- mark he always does -when anything is to be done in Africa. We ourselves last week suggested the use of elephants, but can no wash be found for horses which the fly will not touch ? There are many smells which daunt the mosquito. Then have sufficient arrangements been made for filters, or for ob- taining pure water from the sea, as is done at Aden ? That water contains no rotten vegetable matter, which is the main or only cause of dysentery. Is the use of spirits to be absolutely prohibited, except under medical advice ? General Godwin, in Bum* settled that matter once for all by breaking up every cask of liquor except one used for hospital purposes, and had no drunkenness in his camp, and very little disease. Are the men as well as the officers to be provided with indiarubber wraps, so that they may never sleep wet? And finally, will there be unlimited quinine, good quinine, to be served out as if it cost nothing ?