6 SEPTEMBER 1873, page 3

We Warn The Working-men Against Making One Seri- Ous...

Three young men recently assaulted a fellow- workman on some trade quarrel. The jury found them guilty, and Baron Pigott sentenced them. The London Trades Council thought the......

The Last Portion Of The French Indemnity Is To Be

paid to- day, France having raised in three years rather more than £200,000,000. For this she has to pay on the average 6 per cent., and will therefore, until she exacts her......

A Rumour Exists In Paris, Apparently Of Some Authority, That

the Pope is again unwell.......

We Perceive That Pilgrimages In Austria, As Well As Italy,

have been forbidden by authority this year. If this step has been taken for sanitary reasons, it may be wise, as pilgrims un- doubtedly, when not travelling comfortably by......

We Publish Elsewhere A Remarkable Amount Of The Great...

Hoey or secret trading society of San Francisco; upon which the police have, by no means unwillingly, laid their hands. It is difficult to see what they can do, for the Hoey is......

Many Correspondents Of The Times Urge Strongly The...

of ladies as teachers in elementary schools. They can often earn £74 a year, are much more independent than governesses, teach much better, and attract to the schools a......

The American Farmers Of The West Are Getting Very Angry

with the Railway lords, the Factory lords, and the Ring lords, and threaten to form a party which shall put all these things down. The Railway lords tax their produce too much,......

The Times, With, We Confess, Every Sinologue At Its Back,

makes much of the personal reception of the European and Japanese Ambassadors by the Emperor. That the privilege is of extreme value is certain, as the only word which can be......

Mr. W. H. Gladstone Addressed His Constituents At Whitby On

Thurs lay, in a speech which contained one or two important statements. He affirmed that the Premier, whose son and Private Secretary he is, would in no case touch the question......

Consols Were On Friday 921 To 92i.
