[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
SIR,—In view of the British Labour Government's determina-. tion, supported by Mr. Lloyd George, to appoint, in defiance; of Ulster's emphatic protest, a Boundary Commissioner for Ulster, I would recall the following declaration and pledge' made and given by a late Prime Minister and Lord Chancellor, of England, respectively :—
" The Prime Minister (Mr. Lloyd George) : I say with all• solemnity that if an attempt were made to force Ulster in, in a settle-. ment of Ireland, it would be the Curse of Ireland.'—House of, Commons, March 7th, 1917.
Official Report, Vol. 91, No. 18, col. 463. The Lord Chancellor (Lord Birkenhead) : ' When the Irish Home Rule Act was placed upon the Statute Book, and when once for all that just and indefeasible case of Ulster had received protection and so for all time had become entrenched in an Act of Parliament it depended upon the HONOUR and protection of the British Parliament. That position secured for Ulster will never be aban- doned, at least by any Government of which I am a member.'— House of Lords, August 19th, 1921.
Official Report, Vol. 46, No. 84, col. 1044."
And having regard to the considered judgment thus pronounced by the noble lord, may I be permitted to ask is " the honour of the British Parliament," while deprived of his official. guardianship, to be placed in cold storage ?—I am, Sir, &c., NE Orutvisemes.