The Future Of Wembley Is In The Balance. The Authori-
ties of the Exhibition are evidently anxious to open it next year, but the Dominions do not see their way to co-operate, at any rate on the present basis. There is apparently no......
The Sudden Death Of Mr. H. W. Massingham On Wednes-
day, August 27th, must bring to the readers of the Spectator a sense of very personal loss and sorrow. It is true that it is only a little more than a year ago that Mr.......
The Labour Government Made Its Silliest Decision When It...
leave to the Society of Druids to bury the ashes of one of its members at Stonehenge. It seems probable that the ancient Druids had about as much to do with Stonehenge as had......
* * * The Strike Of Fruit Porters At Covent
Garden drags on. The employers and merchants are still finding plenty of ways and means of conveying their goods to the retailers without the porters, and the men are therefore......
Any Comment Of Ours As To The Merits Of The
dispute would be worthless while the case is, in effect, sub judice, but a welcome feature of the strike has been that, unlike so many others, it has not seriously......
An Admirable Letter By Lord Cave In The Times Of
Tuesday presented the constitutional aspect of the Irish Bounday question with all the force of its writer's legal learning and political sincerity. Lord Cave admits that the......
But Now All These Plans Are Made Futile, And We
can only feel some consolation in the fact that the Spectator provided one of the means for Mr. Massingham to address his public. His earlier career has been recalled in the......
We Mentioned Recently, Not For The First Time, The Flow
of skilled artisans to America. It was a pleasure to read in the Westminster Gazette of Friday, August 22nd, a statement, which we hope is well substantiated, that many of these......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 3 Per Cent.
July 5th,1923. 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 1011 ; Thursday week, 1011; a year ago, 101*. Eti per cent. Conversion Loan was on Thursday, 77 &; Thursday week, 77* ; a......