.. This is the .point which Trade. Unionism has reached,
though it would be quite wrong to say that it has com- mitted itself. to tariffs as the only means of Protection. The writers of the memorandum seem rather to look forward to n time when trade will be regulated not only nationally but internationally in such a way that tariffs will become meaningless. Meanwhile they are ready to consider an. Imperial economic bloc, inevitably fortified by tariffs, as the first .necessary step. Not being pure Protectionists, they willingly admit that economic blocs 307 surrounted by tariff walls arc in principle a retrogressive conception, but they argue that there is a case for 308 drawing back to leap better. Their argument is, in other words, that the organization of the world into
810 two or three economic units will make easier the final
310 victory for the free world-wide interchange of goods when tariff barriers will crumble into ruin.
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