6 SEPTEMBER 1930, page 23

The Lively Interest Still Felt In The Exiled Stuarts Is

illustrated anew by a handsome Volume in which Major F. J. A. Skeet describes the Stuart Papers, Pictures, dc., in the collection of Miss Maria Widdrington (Leeds: John......

In The Problent Of The Twentieth Century (benn, 21s.) Mr.

David Davies paints on a vast canvas (700 large pages) a picture of the world of nations as one big mutual insurance society. The League of Nations, he maintains, has failed in......

Show Me Death ! By W. Redvers Dent. (constable. 7s.

6d.)—This is an unusual and very beautiful book. Its Canadian hero, unhappy at home, enlists as a boy of sixteen, and comes to France. Wounded, he is sent to England, where he......


Crashers and Heartbreakers Souvenir. By Floyd Dell. (Jarrolds. 7s. 6d.) The Wings of Adventure. By Philip Gibbs. (Hutchinson. 7s. 6d.) Very Good, Jeeves. By P. Cl. Wodehouse.......

More Books Of The Week

(Continued front page 314.) The six lectures upon Christian Unity, delivered in Oxford and London by the Bishop of Gloucester, contributed much to a clearer understanding of the......

Burglars In Bucks. By G. D. H. And M. Cole.

(Collins. 75. 6(1.)—The story is told in the form of correspondence from and to, various members of the house-party where the burglary takes place and extracts from the......