The Struggle in China Although the northern generals in China
have not been able to make any progress against the Nanking forces, if indeed they have not lost ground, a new Government has been set up in Peking in opposition to the National Government of Nanking. The Peking correspondent of the Times says that much depends upon the attitude of Chang lIsueh-liang, the Governor of Manchuria who became ruler when his famous father, Chang Tso-lin, was assassinated. At present Chang Hsueh-liang is far from enthusiastic. The Mukden correspondent of the Times reports that he told the delegates who invited him to join the Peking group that the formation of the new Government was their business and that as an official connected with Nanking he could say nothing. He went on to express his longing for peace and announced that there was to be a meeting of the Manchurian leaders to consider their attitude towards the civil war.