The editors of The Complete Book of Gardening (pard, Lock,
15s.) have had every opportunity to make their com- pendium as good as it can be, for Mr. Coutts is the deputy curator, and Mr. Edwards and Mr. Osborne are the assistant curators, of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Hew; at any rate, it is evident by merely glancing at the index of this book that even a person ignorant of the very rudiments of gardening—if he had the will—should be able to make himself a competent gardener by studying its pages. There are not only directions as to how to make a garden, how to use gardening tools, pictures and descriptions of every plant which one could ever wish to grow in one's garden, but excellent diagrams and photographs of the more difficult operations which have to be performed in gardening. The Complete Book of Gardening is without doubt a necessity and not a luxury to every gardener's library.
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